
Fall 2022
Supervising: Lola Sheppard, Tara Bissett

Armadillo is a furniture system comprised of two parts. The first is a rocking chair where one can lean all the way back until their head touches the ground and their feet are hanging in the air, as well as rock from side to side. It is situated low to the ground so that the user can reach the floor with their arms and legs and control their motion. The second is a desk that rocks forward until one is lying on their front and facing the floor. The chair and the desk can then combine into a 360-degree orbital shell, allowing one to work while facing any angle. In a school setting, Armadillo engages with a child’s developing sense of balance, and encourages them to observe their environment from all angles, stimulating creativity. The user can change their position to whatever feels good, engaging different muscles, stimulating blood flow and adjusting one’s weight distribution, as a way to combat the detrimental health effects of prolonged sedentary work.
